Siemens Opcenter Execution Electronics is a full digital manufacturing operations management solution for the electronics industry. It addresses PCB, mechanical assembly and box-build production. The solution, based on direct connectivity to machines and production lines, includes manufacturing execution, quality management, material management and manufacturing intelligence.
Opcenter Execution Electronics integrates the Siemens Digital Industries Software portfolio and expands the digital thread throughout the entire design to manufacturing flow. Electronics manufacturers can change and reconfigure manufacturing and quality processes at the speed required to meet increased customer demand, address quality requirements and realise faster NPI and time to market; improving their ability to compete in a rapidly changing, consumer-driven marketplace.
Siemens Opcenter Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) for Electronics
Shortening innovation cycles while improving productivity and product quality in electronics and mechanical manufacturing.
Solution Capabilities
Opcenter Intelligence Electronics is designed specifically for PCB manufacturing and assembly, providing PCB manufacturing executives, line managers, and manufacturing engineers with crucial information needed to deliver quality products on time. With Opcenter Intelligence Electronics, waste can be eliminated, while quickly and intuitively improving asset utilization, first-pass yield, and defects per million opportunities (DPMO) . It starts by providing access to rich data sources from the Valor shop-floor modules and then combines data for high-value intelligence, using tight integration with other Valor solutions deployed in the factory.
Opcenter Intelligence Electronics improves asset management with accurate, real-time utilization and OEE. It helps to capture and investigate complete material and process traceability data for PCBs and assemblies by taking advantage of big-data and high-availability data storage. It supports optimization of operations and labor by measuring and analyzing how resources are spent, while tracking WIP in real-time. It ensures quality and drives improvement by identifying and analyzing process defects and material and process failures, increasing design-to-manufacturing efficiency by detecting factors affecting yield and identifying areas for improvement.
Opcenter Intelligence Electronics addresses the issues of compliance for traceability regulation and quality assurance, provides analysis to improve yield, optimizes for Lean manufacturing and continuous improvement, and enables predictive maintenance. With Opcenter Intelligence Electronics, you can leverage data to optimize your productivity and become a best-in-class manufacturer.
Data Analytics for Electronics Manufacturing
Opcenter Execution Electronics IoT gathers live information from every process and machine on the shop-floor. The platform includes intuitive interfaces to work with SMT, test, and inspection machines, and provides easy connection to every machine on the shop-floor regardless of the machine type, vendor, or protocol. Opcenter Execution Electronics IoT provides an informative view of the equipment, line, and the entire factory. It helps to meet industry standards and customer compliance demands by collecting accurate, real-time data at the machine level.
Opcenter Execution Electronics IoT normalizes and enriches the collected data into a single standardized specification, ODB++Manufacturing (previously known as OML). Using the ODB++Manufacturing software development kit (SDK) provided with the Opcenter Execution Electronics IoT solution, real-time manufacturing data in ODB++Manufacturing format can be used by company in-house applications and third-party solutions to create a full data flow between the shop-floor and enterprise systems.
Complete shop-floor connectivity is needed to achieve Industry 4.0. Opcenter Execution Electronics IoT collects real-time data from the equipment on the factory floor and communicates that data with other machines and software systems throughout the factory. Accurate and complete data collection is the foundation for a digital factory and holistic manufacturing.
Document Control
Material & Process Traceability provides the materials history needed to minimize liability and comply with customer traceability requirements.
The traceability record includes data from all assembly work-cells (automated and manual) and captures additional information including the operator working at the time, and the program running on the equipment.
Material & Process Traceability
Valor Material Verification automates error control in material management, ensuring that a PCB factory line will not be run until all material set-ups are correct. It also offers advanced features such as LED light class binning and on-the-fly verification of variant set-ups.
Valor Material Verification eliminates manufacturing errors by enforcing correct setups, changeovers, feeder positioning, MSD constraints and feeder management rules.
Reduces costs by reducing rework and scrapped material
Maximizes equipment utilization and delivery by reducing setup time and eliminating setup errors
Provides a single platform used across different machine vendors and machine types
Improves line performance by forcing preventative maintenance on feeders, and blocking the use of bad or expired feeders
Provides LED light class management and complex substitutions of LEDs with corresponding resistors without program changes
Uses the optional mobile device to communicate feeder verification data and real-time status and performance
Blocks the use of unqualified or expired materials, such as unauthorized substitutions with advanced AVL checking
Verifies offline feeder trolleys, grouped trolleys or mobile feeder units (MFU)
Supports splicing verification on SMT machines
Creates intelligent functionality without the use of intelligent feeders using the advanced verification functions
Automatically stops the machine in case of an incorrect, expired or blocked component
Material Verification
Siemens Digital Industries Software MES solutions monitor production processes and provide decision support to operators for correcting and improving in-process functions. These functions may be intra-operational and focus specifically on machines or equipment being monitored and controlled within a single operation, as well as tracking a production process from one operation to the next.
Process Management
Electronics Shop Floor Data Acquisition and Normalisation
Opcenter Execution Electronics IoT gathers live information from every process and machine on the shop-floor. The platform includes intuitive interfaces to work with SMT, test, and inspection machines, and provides easy connection to every machine on the shop-floor regardless of the machine type, vendor, or protocol. Opcenter Execution Electronics IoT provides an informative view of the equipment, line, and the entire factory. It helps to meet industry standards and customer compliance demands by collecting accurate, real-time data at the machine level.
Opcenter Execution Electronics IoT normalizes and enriches the collected data into a single standardized specification, ODB++Manufacturing (previously known as OML). Using the ODB++Manufacturing software development kit (SDK) provided with the Opcenter Execution Electronics IoT solution, real-time manufacturing data in ODB++Manufacturing format can be used by company in-house applications and third-party solutions to create a full data flow between the shop-floor and enterprise systems.
Complete shop-floor connectivity is needed to achieve Industry 4.0. Opcenter Execution Electronics IoT collects real-time data from the equipment on the factory floor and communicates that data with other machines and software systems throughout the factory. Accurate and complete data collection is the foundation for a digital factory and holistic manufacturing.
Labour Management
Labour Management capabilities provide the status of personnel and may include time and attendance reporting, certification tracking, as well as the ability to track production support functions performed by personnel.
It automatically ensures that only qualified employees perform prescribed shop-floor and quality functions. Real-time verification fully supports regulatory and quality systems compliance. Operator Training and Certification enables you to establish manufacturing roles, define training requirements for various roles and process certification requirements, maintain training records and establish certification expirations.
Maintenance Operations Management
With Maintenance Management capabilities, you can track resource usage based on elapsed and usage time and production quantities; and, based on predefined limits, ensure that production does not outpace maintenance requirements.
Maintenance Management provides visibility into resource issues and a detailed history of all activities. With this level of visibility, it is possible to determine true performance values for equipment.
Material Management for PCB Assembly
Material Management enables a lean flow of materials between the warehouse and shop-floor. It helps the factory reduce inventory and waste by optimizing usage for higher turnover and removing excess material from the shop-floor.
Material Management enables paperless, data-driven manufacturing. It allows full automation of material delivery between workstations and integrated manufacturing analytics for materials supply. Material Management makes it easy to comply with customer requirements by generating automated traceability reports and to compare quality between material suppliers.
It eliminates inventory buffers and guesswork by using tight machine integration and precise inventory management. With Material Management, the actual number of parts on every carrier remains constantly accurate because the system automatically keeps track of actual parts used in process. Its advanced JIT technology anticipates order completion, feeder exhaust points, upcoming changeovers, and supports operational constraints, eliminating bottlenecks, and unexpected delays.
Material management inside the factory occurs in different places and levels, requiring different types of support to keep track of your inventory efficiently. Valor Material Management provides a flexible solution to address the factory’s specific production needs, significantly reducing inventory and ensuring a smooth manufacturing flow.
Resource Allocation & Control
Siemens Digital Industries Software MES solutions enable you to manage all relevant resources related to manufacturing operations. These resources include machines, tools, labor skills, materials, procedures and many other entities that are required to configure your operational model.
Production Tracking
Siemens MES production tracking capabilities provide the status of production and the disposition of work. Status information may include personnel assigned to the work; component materials used in production; current production conditions; and any alarms, rework, or other exceptions related to the product. The functionality includes the capability to record the production information allowing forward and backward traceability of components and their use within each end product.
Quality Operations Management
Siemens Digital Industries Software MES solutions include integrated quality capabilities that enable end-to-end quality management of the manufacturing process. Greater process quality control improves quality consistency. Siemens improves quality consistency by orchestrating quality operations and centrally deploying global quality policies with speed and consistency. When deviations are detected, Siemens provides exception management, and root cause analysis, and provides you with protocols to correct the nonconformance of other events.
Focus on prevention,
streamline compliance,
reduce the cost of quality,
reduce regulatory and product risk.
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